Friday, March 31, 2017

Song for Day 71 - "Fascist Architecture" by Bruce Cockburn

Songwriter Bruce Cockburn.
Day 71 - "Fascist Architecture" by Bruce Cockburn

I will fight the fascist here.
I will fight the fascist in Spain.
I will fight the fascist in China
and I will fight the fascist in me.
 - Dr. William Norman Bethune (1890-1939) 
    The title, "Fascist Architecture", makes us think of an anthem, full of cliché, bombast and pride.  In fact, Bruce Cockburn speaks of a far more personal power structure, one that each of us must overcome.  Its many manifestations include an urge to avoid conversation with those who don't entirely agree with our world view.  This "koan of silence" gave us 24/7 Red Don which, in turn, gave us Hair Backpfeifengesicht.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain from engagement.

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